Penis Enlargement Pumps: How to Use to Get Fast Results

Your woman will be pleasantly surprised by the result of penis enlargement with a pump

Pumping is a popular procedure that performs several functions at once. Firstly, it is the maintenance of erectile function and potency, secondly, penis enlargement with regular use, and thirdly, correction of the shape of the organ. Pumps are air and water, the principle of use is somewhat different. This is a clinically tested medical device. Whether it is possible to use it, the doctor decides. The study of the rules for operating a pump for penis enlargement, the stage of preparing the device and the organ, the rules for creating a vacuum and pumping, relieving pressure, you will learn further.

Studying the rules of operation

How to use a pump for penis enlargement is an important issue, which affects not only the chances of getting the desired result, but also safety.

In order not to harm your body, follow the general recommendations:

  • do not abuse with frequency, force of pressure;
  • do not take vasodilating drugs in parallel;
  • refuse to take alcoholic beverages;
  • exercise regularly;
  • do not deviate from the proposed instructions.

These rules should not even be stipulated, you should follow them by default. The rest of the instructions will depend on what kind of device is involved.

Different manufacturers offer their own individual instructions and training programs. Be sure to check them out before buying a product to evaluate how it suits you.

Pneumatic pump

Pneumatic pump is an effective device for penis enlargement at home

Lubricate the organ with a lubricant to avoid dryness and injury to the skin.

Then follow the standard scheme:

  • put an erectile ring on the flask before pumping air;
  • pump out air;
  • bring the organ to an erection, move the ring to its very base;
  • block the outflow of blood by tightly clasping the root of the penis with a ring;
  • hold the set training time, then press the valve to relieve pressure;
  • take the organ out of the flask.


A safe option to increase the size of the phallus is to use a hydropump

One of the simplest varieties of the device with an excellent indicator of operational safety.For excellent results, follow the following sequence:

  • sit in the bathroom, fill with warm water so that it covers the groin;
  • insert the organ in a relaxed state into the flask;
  • start pumping out air;
  • if liquid has accumulated in the flask, dump it by pressing a special valve;
  • having achieved a strong erection, fix the ring at the root of the organ, and then stop any actions;
  • control the degree of exposure so as not to harm yourself.

Start with trial workouts of a few minutes to understand how the first or second type of pump works.

If you experience pain, aches, stop immediately. Make a plan of action in advance - how to prepare the device, the organ, create a vacuum, pump the penis, and at the end, relieve pressure and complete the procedure.

Preparing the erection pump for work

The penis is one of the most vulnerable and delicate parts of a man's body, as it consists of soft tissues. It will not be difficult to injure him, so before you make your own pump with your own hands, prepare all the parts for subsequent assembly.

Pay attention to the following points:

  • surface of the flask and seal- there should not be any bumps, roughness, cracks or corners;
  • manufacturing materials- it is good if it is a hypoallergenic material that does not cause irritation and itching;
  • processing of the main mechanisms- wash the flask and seal thoroughly with soapy water or disinfect with a special solution, dry and treat with alcohol;
  • apparatus assembly- connect all the parts into a single structure in order to use it for its intended purpose.

The vacuum pump is recognized as an effective tool for stimulating an erection, aligning and enlarging the penis.

Thoughtless use not according to the rules will lead to injuries, hematomas of the organ. Therefore, follow all manufacturers recommendations, safety measures and training schemes.

Preparing the penis for training

Use vacuum penis enlargement only after consulting a doctor. Only a specialist knows the indications, contraindications for such a device.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the organ itself. This is important not only to obtain results, but also to protect tissues from ruptures, vessels from damage.

Preparing the penis for training involves:

  • taking a warm bath to dilate blood vessels, warm up tissues;
  • applying an ointment to the skin of the penis to increase blood supply;
  • placing the phallus at the base of the pump, firmly pressing the pump to the scrotum;
  • pumping air out of the pump;
  • the valve must be closed to provide a vacuum;
  • after the onset of erection and swelling, open the valve in half a minute.

If an erection ring is attached to the device, it is placed at the base of the organ. If it is not there, the flask is simply pressed against the groin.

An excellent option for preparing the penis for pumping is jelqing, a manual technique for stretching the organ in length.

The jelqing technique used to prepare the penis for pumping

Creating a vacuum in the flask

Any pump model for vacuum penis enlargement is presented in the form of a flask. To create a vacuum, air is completely removed from it, thereby creating absolute pressure.

This process is carried out in different ways, depending on the type of device:

  1. hand pump. After you have placed a penis in the flask, press the pear several times, pumping out the air. Thus, you can control the strength of the vacuum, based on your own feelings.
  2. Automatic pump. Here you do not have to make any effort. The device operates on batteries or an accumulator. For control there are buttons, a pressure gauge. You just have to choose the mode, intensity.
  3. hydropump. To create a vacuum, you need to pump out water by changing its pressure. This model guarantees a uniform effect on the tissues of the body.

In simple terms, vacuum creates the process of pumping out air or water, depending on the type of device used. This should be done gradually, without sudden hasty movements, so as not to cause severe swelling, pain.

Pumping procedure

There are many different methods of using phallus pumping, each man chooses the best training option for himself. But the most effective are:

  1. Classic pumping. Use of a wide flask with optimum vacuum level. This device inflates the organ in length and thickness by stretching the cavernous bodies of the penis.
  2. Packing. The use of a narrow bulb, which, by applying negative pressure, will not stretch the penis in width, directing all the force to elongation. The effect will be achieved much faster than in the previous case.

Weekly workout plan:

  • first week- do 2 workouts daily for 10 minutes;
  • second week- increase the duration of the procedures up to 15 minutes, repeating them 2 times a day (if discomfort and pain occur, return to the previous regimen);
  • third week- try long workouts, do one session for about 20 minutes;
  • fourth week- practice 2 workouts, but with different times, 1 session lasts 10, the second 20 minutes;
  • fifth week– train for 20 minutes in the morning immediately after waking up and before going to bed, devoting 40 minutes to everything.

When planning several workouts during the day, keep an interval of more than an hour between them. Use pumping techniques until the desired result is obtained, and also for some time after that to consolidate it.

Pressure relief

After completing the procedure, very carefully remove the penis from the device by releasing pressure. To do this, use a special valve or control buttons if it is an automated model. If you create an area with excessively low pressure, this will be reflected as a side effect - the formation of a hematoma.

Once you have equalized the level of pressure inside the flask, carefully remove it from the penis. If the design is supplemented with an erection ring, it must be removed immediately or as soon as the erection subsides a little.

Automatic vacuum pump powered by batteries or accumulator

If you are planning sex, put the ring on your penis to keep the erection as long as possible by blocking the outflow of blood. Massage the organ with gentle movements to restore blood circulation.

Shutting down the device

In order for the device to last as long as possible without side effects, risks of harm to health, you must know not only the rules of operation, but also the subsequent care.

When you're done, always follow these simple steps:

  • wash all parts with detergent, warm soapy water before and after training;
  • treat the device with liquid antiseptics, especially those places that come into contact with the skin of the genitals;
  • make sure that all parts are dry, this will protect against fungus, corrosion.

Refrain from using the pump and cosmetics containing petroleum jelly at the same time.


A purchased vacuum pump is more reliable than a homemade one, but both options can be effective if used correctly. You can buy the device at a pharmacy, a specialized store or order it online at a reasonable price. Experience shows that the vacuum effect really helps to increase the thickness and length of the phallus, if you draw up a training plan correctly, numerous reviews on male forums confirm this. How many centimeters you get closer to your dream depends on the choice of model, the regularity of training, compliance with the conditions.